Transportation and Infrastructure

Senator Duckworth understands the importance of our nation’s infrastructure systems to hardworking families and businesses across Illinois. A well-functioning transportation system is critical to our state’s economic competitiveness and improving Illinois’s infrastructure is one of her top legislative priorities. Whether you’re a farmer in Sangamon County, a teacher in Winnebago or a manufacturer from DuPage County, we all rely on our transportation networks to get to work, sell our products or take a much-deserved vacation.

Senator Duckworth is committed to working with her colleagues in Congress to help rebuild our nation’s infrastructure better than before and ensure our airways, roadways, waterways and communication networks meet the needs of our communities and businesses.

Senator Duckworth successfully delivered for Illinois with her leadership on the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, which is working to create jobs and deliver safer, more sustainable roads and bridges, faster broadband internet coverage and so much more. With her bipartisan Drinking Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Act (DWWIA) included in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, Senator Duckworth is helping our nation upgrade our nation’s crumbling and dangerous water infrastructure in order to get the lead of out of our children’s drinking water and ensure sewage doesn’t seep into families’ yards whenever it rains heavily in places like Cahokia Heights. The infrastructure package also included a modified version of her All Stations Accessibility Program (ASAP Act) to help make public transit stations across the country accessible to all Americans, including Americans with disabilities. Illinoisans from Chicago to Cairo, communities large and small—urban, suburban and rural—are benefitting from this law and the jobs it is creating.
