March 31, 2021

Duckworth Applauds President Biden’s Infrastructure Goals


[WASHINGTON, D.C.] — U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) released the following statement of support for President Biden’s sweeping infrastructure proposal, the American Jobs Plan:

“President Biden’s American Jobs Plan is the bold, forward-thinking proposal we need to tackle the challenges of our time. Not only does it create millions of good-paying jobs, rebuilds our crumbling infrastructure and better positions us to compete with China, but it moves our nation towards a better future. As Chair of the Subcommittee tasked with strengthening the Safe Drinking Water Act, I also commend President Biden’s proposal for addressing one of my top priorities: putting Americans to work replacing all lead service pipes so children and families across the country can drink water out of their taps without fear of suffering permanent, irreversible brain damage.

“Additionally, I’m pleased to see the Biden Administration focusing on moving our nation towards a carbon neutral future with an all-the-above approach to energy sources, building a secure power infrastructure, leveraging our National Laboratories while investing in American manufacturing and making sure broadband is available for everyone—including those in rural communities. I also look forward to working with the White House on my Marshall Plan for Coal Country Act, which would invest in coal workers and coal communities to ensure they have the resources needed to transition local economies to 21st Century alternatives. All of these efforts together will help make our nation stronger and more secure, and I look forward to working on these priorities with President Biden and my colleagues on both sides of the aisle in Congress.”
