March 01, 2023

Duckworth, Capito Reintroduce Bipartisan Resolution Designating March as National Endometriosis Awareness Month


[WASHINGTON, D.C.] – U.S. Senators Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) and Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV) today reintroduced a resolution recognizing the significance of endometriosis as a chronic disease affecting millions of women and designating March 2023 as National Endometriosis Awareness Month. This resolution would also encourage the U.S. Secretaries of Health and Human Services, Defense and Veterans Affairs to provide information on endometriosis to women, patients and providers and to improve screening tools and treatment options. Companion legislation in the House of Representatives is led by U.S. Representative David Scott (D-GA-13).

“Even though one out of every ten women of reproductive age in America suffers from endometriosis—which can be extremely painful and lead to infertility—too often this disease doesn’t receive adequate attention and research funding,” Duckworth said. “I’m proud to reintroduce this bipartisan resolution with Senator Capito to raise awareness for this debilitating disease and recognize the resilient women affected by it.”

“It’s important to talk about endometriosis so more women can receive the correct diagnosis and proper treatment from the start,” Capito said. “I’m proud to join Senator Duckworth in introducing this resolution that will bring more awareness and attention to endometriosis on behalf of the millions of women affected by it.”

Endometriosis is one of the most common gynecological diseases, affecting 6.5 million Americans. Women can suffer up to a decade before being properly diagnosed.

Along with Duckworth and Capito, the resolution is co-sponsored by U.S. Senators Maria Cantwell (D-WA), Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Cory Booker (D-NJ), Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) and Mazie K. Hirono (D-HI).

The resolution is supported by American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists; Endometriosis Foundation; Society for Women’s Health Research and Women First Research Coalition.

A copy of the resolution text is available here.

Duckworth has made protecting and expanding access to essential women’s healthcare a top priority as a Senator. Recently, the Senator hosted Dr. Erin King of Illinois’s Hope Clinic as her 2023 State of the Union guest, as part of the Senator’s continuing efforts to defend Americans’ right to full, comprehensive reproductive healthcare—no matter their zip code, income, ability status or skin color. The Senator is also working to reverse the Supreme Court’s dangerous ruling that struck down Roe v. Wade and enshrine its protections into law, and in 2021, she introduced the Equal Access to Abortion Coverage in Health Insurance (EACH) Act, as well as supported the Women’s Health Protection Act, which she vocally criticized Republicans for blocking. After she urged Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin to proactively protect servicemembers’ abortion rights, the Department of Defense announced several new protections and services to ensure our female troops can access the healthcare they need. Duckworth also pushed back against Republican attacks against the Biden Administration’s efforts to protect female Veterans’ access to care.
