March 02, 2021

Duckworth Votes to Confirm Raimondo as Commerce Secretary


[WASHINGTON, D.C.] — U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL), the senior Democratic Member on the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation (CST) Subcommittee on Transportation and Safety, released the following statement after voting to confirm Gina Raimondo as Commerce Secretary under President Biden. Raimondo was confirmed by an 84-15 vote.

“Secretary Raimondo has demonstrated throughout her confirmation process that she has the experience, background and problem-solving approach needed to lead the Commerce Department. She is committed to boosting economic development investments in underserved communities, promoting innovation in the manufacturing sector and prioritizing trade enforcement, and I am confident she will immediately be a strong voice for our struggling small business community. I look forward to working with her to help our state’s manufacturers, small business owners and entrepreneurs commercialize their products, reach new customers and hire more workers while also addressing the systemic barriers facing entrepreneurs of color and women.”

Duckworth met with Raimondo in January and also secured Raimondo’s commitment to invest in manufacturing and economic development while prioritizing trade enforcement during her confirmation hearing. Last Congress, Duckworth introduced the bipartisan Interagency Committee on Women’s Business Enterprise Act of 2020, a bill that would support women entrepreneurs by reauthorizing a federal interagency committee that helps coordinate federal resources to encourage the formation, growth and success of women-owned businesses.
