January 15, 2020

Duckworth to Support Bipartisan U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement


[WASHINGTON, D.C.] – Today during a Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee hearing, U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) spoke in support of the bipartisan U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA). Key quotes from her remarks are included below and a full clip can be found here. The agreement was reported out of the committee with Senator Duckworth’s vote. As of this morning, all other Senate committees of jurisdiction have also approved the agreement and it will now head to the Senate floor for a vote. 

“Today, as the result of the work of congressional Democrats, we have an agreement that works for farmers and manufacturers and features enforceable labor standards to support American workers. Illinois needs trade to thrive, but our trade policy needs to be good for the diverse industries within our economy and the workers who fuel our growth. This final deal moves us in that direction. For the first time, working families in Illinois will see Congress vote on a trade pact that allows strong and swift enforcement actions against producers who deny their workers the right to collectively bargain. That is a major victory for workers in my state and across the country.”

“The final agreement also includes increased market access for Illinois wheat producers and maintains tariff-free access to crucial agricultural markets for Illinois soybeans, corn, beef and pork producers. Passage of USMCA will provide greater stability and certainty for farmers and manufacturers alike.”

“Make no mistake, this agreement is not perfect. A stronger USMCA would effectively address – or even mention – climate change as part of the environmental chapter. Nonetheless, I view this agreement as much-improved from what the Trump Administration initially proposed and a very positive development in creating a more just trade policy for American workers. That is why I support it and was proud to cast my vote in its favor.”

The USMCA passed the House of Representatives in December and, once passed by the Senate, is expected to be signed into law. As a member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, Duckworth met with Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross to discuss how the Commerce Department would strengthen trade rules, prevent outsourcing and keep jobs in America.
