January 30, 2018

Duckworth Statement on Trump’s 2018 State of the Union Address


[WASHINGTON, D.C.] — U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) released the following statement after President Trump delivered his 2018 State of the Union Address:

“With the world watching, I hoped Donald Trump would finally remember some of the promises he made to the American people and display the leadership needed to unify this nation. I hoped he would present a serious infrastructure plan that makes the investments we desperately need to rebuild our crumbling roads, tunnels and bridges. I hoped he would offer a plan to rebuild rural communities that have been left behind like Cairo, Illinois. And I hoped he would finally propose a realistic bipartisan proposal to lift the inhumane threat of deportation countless Dreamers face because of him.

“Instead, the President engaged in more of the reckless rhetoric that divides instead of unites—and that already caused countless diplomatic crises and brought us to the brink of nuclear war with north Korea. He made little mention of smaller communities across America that he promised to help rebuild during his campaign. He failed to propose an infrastructure plan and focused only on public-private partnerships, which would force new tolls and taxes on middle-class families and fall seriously short of what is needed.

“We need our commander-in-chief to change course, try to forge bipartisan agreements on issues like immigration, and present the American people with a more positive and inclusive message that moves us forward as a nation. Tonight, President Trump failed on each of these counts.”

Senator Duckworth hosted Cairo Junior/Senior High School Principal Lisa Childs Thomas as her guest for tonight’s address. A native of Cairo, Illinois, Lisa grew up in Alexander County Housing Authority’s McBride public housing complex, which the Trump Administration decided to demolish without any plan to rehouse the hundreds of Illinoisans who will be displaced.