April 18, 2019

Duckworth Statement on the Mueller Report


[WASHINGTON, D.C.] – Following the public release of a heavily-redacted version of the Mueller Report today, U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) released the following statement:

“I’m still reviewing the redacted version of the Mueller Report, but what I’ve read makes it crystal clear that this is anything but an exoneration of Donald Trump’s actions. If anything, we now know for certain that Trump repeatedly lied to the American people, inappropriately attempted to end the Special Counsel’s investigation, ordered subordinates to obstruct justice multiple times and stubbornly refused to participate in an interview with criminal investigators.

“This report also confirms—beyond all doubt and contrary to Donald Trump’s false claims—that Russia attacked our democracy and interfered with our election in ‘sweeping and systematic fashion’ to help his candidacy. It confirms that the Russian government had ‘a series of contacts’ with Trump campaign officials. And it confirms that the Trump campaign shared internal polling data with the Russian government with the expectation that Trump would benefit from Russia’s efforts.

No amount of redactions can change or diminish these facts, which completely undercut the PR spin that Attorney General Barr and Trump inappropriately used to shape public opinion over the past few weeks. The American people deserve to hear the truth—and that is why Robert Mueller must testify before Congress in a public hearing as soon as possible to fully—and accurately—explain the report and the context behind its findings.”
