September 30, 2020

Duckworth Statement on the Continuing Resolution to Fund the Government


[WASHINGTON, D.C.] — U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) released the following statement regarding the continuing resolution to fund the government through December 11, 2020.

“I’m glad that Democrats and Republicans came together to avoid shutting down the federal government in the midst of a global pandemic. With that said, I’m deeply disappointed that Republicans continue to refuse to come to the table to address our country’s most dire need: comprehensive relief from the COVID-19 public health and economic crisis. Though Democrats passed the HEROES Act four months ago, Republicans have failed to recognize the urgency of this crisis and have done little to help the millions of Americans who are suffering right now, wondering how they’re going to pay rent, put food on the table or pay their healthcare bills.

“With more than 200,000 families mourning the loss of a loved one as a result of COVID-19, the only thing that motivates Republicans to act with any urgency is a power-grab for a Supreme Court seat that could enable them to achieve their long-sought goal of ripping away healthcare from millions of Americans. With many Americans already casting their ballots to select our next President and millions more affected by this awful pandemic, Republicans are rushing not to help their fellow Americans weather this crisis, but rather to ensure those Americans’ voices cannot be heard as we select a new Supreme Court justice who could roll back women’s reproductive rights, greenlight more dark money in politics and knock down any progress on climate action. The American people won’t soon forget them putting their brazen desire for power over decency and the well-being of our fellow Americans.”
