June 29, 2020

Duckworth Statement on Supreme Court Protecting Women’s Constitutional Right to Choose


[WASHINGTON, DC] – U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) released the following statement after the Supreme Court struck down a restrictive attempt by Louisiana to further limit women’s access to reproductive healthcare and protected every woman’s Constitutional right to choose:

“For nearly 50 years, every woman in America has had a Constitutionally-protected right to make her own healthcare decisions without the government getting between her and her doctor. While I’m pleased that today’s ruling reaffirms that protection, I also know that conservative lawmakers will spend the next 50 years, as they have the last half century, whittling down that constitutionally-protected right to prevent low-income women who rely on Medicaid, female servicemembers and millions more women nationwide from having access to the care they need and the care the Supreme Court says they deserve. That kind of discrimination is not right, not fair and it’s certainly not equal. It is time for Congress to pass the EACH Woman Act so that every woman in this country has equal access to her constitutionally-protected rights, no matter her income, her race or her zip code.”
