September 26, 2018

Duckworth Statement on Latest Sexual Misconduct Allegations Against Judge Brett Kavanaugh


In response to the latest allegation of sexual misconduct against Judge Brett Kavanaugh, U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) released the following statement:

“The behavior Judge Kavanaugh is accused of is absolutely horrifying. There must be an immediate FBI investigation into his conduct followed by a Senate hearing in which relevant witnesses like Mark Judge are asked to testify and subpoenaed if necessary. Julie Swetnick has submitted this testimony under penalty of perjury. She and Deborah Ramirez must be given the chance to share their experiences with the Senate. I thank them both – and Christine Blasey Ford – for the courage they have shown and urge my fellow Americans to treat them with the respect survivors of sexual trauma deserve.” 

This morning, Senator Duckworth joined U.S. Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) to accept a letter signed by more than 1,400 men and women who attended school in the greater Northwest D.C. / Maryland area – including Dr. Blasey Ford’s and Judge Kavanaugh’s alma maters – to show support for and solidarity with Dr. Christine Blasey Ford. Video is available online here.
