November 01, 2017

Duckworth Statement on House GOP Tax Plan


[WASHINGTON, DC] - Following House Republicans' release of their tax reform plan, U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) issued the following statement:

"I want to work with both Republicans and Democrats to pass tax reform that is comprehensive, fair and focused on helping Illinois's small businesses and middle-class families. Unfortunately, the House Republican plan misses on each of these fronts. Their proposal would run up the deficit with massive tax cuts for large corporations and the very wealthy while leaving small businesses in a higher tax bracket and eliminating state and local income tax deductions that a third of hardworking Illinoisans rely on. The Republican tax plan would also hurt homeowners and the housing and construction industries, make it harder for students struggling to pay off the burden of student debt and make healthcare even more expensive, especially for those with chronic illnesses.

"I agree that we should simplify the federal tax code, expand the standard deduction and help families afford child care. Let's go back to the drawing board and work on common-sense solutions that both parties can support to get this done."