September 20, 2017

Duckworth Statement in Opposition to Graham-Cassidy-Heller Healthcare Plan


[WASHINGTON, D.C.] - U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) released the following statement on the Graham-Cassidy-Heller healthcare bill, which Senate Republicans just announced they intend to bring up for a vote next week:

"It's a shame that Senate Republicans have abandoned bipartisan efforts to improve our healthcare system and are once again trying to rush through legislation to overhaul one-fifth of our economy before the American people have even had a chance to look at it. Like previous versions of Trumpcare, this bill would rob tens of millions of Americans of their health insurance, allow insurers to go back to the days when they could deny people coverage if they have pre-existing conditions or are sick, and jeopardize a program that 1 in 10 Veterans, 2 out of 3 nursing home residents and children with autism, Down syndrome and special needs depend on. That's unacceptable.

"Now more than ever, the American people must keep speaking out and making their voices heard. And Senate Republicans must listen - and finally leave this partisan process behind so we can pursue the honest-to-goodness fixes to the Affordable Care Act that both parties can support that will expand access and lower costs."