September 10, 2020

Duckworth Statement after Voting No on the Republican “Skinny” COVID-19 Relief Proposal


[WASHINGTON, D.C.] — U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) released the following statement after voting no on the Republican “skinny” COVID-19 relief proposal.

“If you were drawing a caricature of what a bad COVID-19 ‘relief’ proposal looks like, it wouldn’t be as bad as what Senate Republicans proposed this week. In the midst of a deadly pandemic that has already killed more than 190,000 Americans in a matter of months, Republicans are insulting hardworking Illinoisans struggling to weather the crisis by proposing families receive nothing – $0 – in additional stimulus payments. For months Republicans felt ‘no urgency’ to address this crisis and now we’re seeing the fallout from that reckless decision.

“The proposal they offered today is a ‘check the box’ type of bill that wouldn’t do nearly enough to help workers who are facing layoffs, feed hungry families, keep roofs over people’s heads, support and strengthen the postal service at a time when our democracy depends on it or provide adequate testing and treatment when the lives of our fellow Americans are at risk. And even after all the outrage and backlash from their last proposal that gutted ADA workplace and healthcare protections, they’ve doubled down on their assault on the disability community.

“We need to come together in a strong, bipartisan and meaningful way to help all Americans make it through this crisis but, unfortunately, today’s vote shows that Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans aren’t interested in doing that.”
