August 11, 2020

Duckworth Speaks with John A. Logan President About COVID-19’s Impact on the College


[WASHINGTON, D.C.] – U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) today spoke with John A. Logan College President Ron House about the ways the Carterville community college is being impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Duckworth and House discussed the funding needs of community colleges in future relief packages, as well as grant opportunities for the college.

“Right now, college students and higher education institutions are struggling with the realities of COVID-19 as the next school year is about to begin,” Duckworth said. “As colleges like John A. Logan are preparing for students to return, the need for more funding for PPE supplies is critical to keep staff and students safe. I had a productive conversation with President House today, and I’ll keep advocating for colleges across Illinois to make sure they have the assistance they need and deserve.”

Duckworth has been an advocate for higher education funding to help support students throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. As part of the CARES Act, Duckworth helped secure $1.45 million in higher education emergency relief funds for John A. Logan College. Duckworth is also a co-sponsor of the Coronavirus Child Care and Education Relief Act, which would provide relief to students, families, schools and educators across the country during this pandemic.

