January 07, 2021

Duckworth: Rep. Mary Miller Should Resign After Praising Hitler at Capitol Hill Rally Moments Before Yesterday’s Violent Mob


[WASHINGTON, D.C.] – U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) today is calling for the resignation of U.S. Congresswoman Mary Miller (R-IL-15) after Miller said at a rally yesterday that “Hitler was right on one thing” in reference to the genocidal Nazi leader’s influence on youths.

“It is absolutely repugnant, obscene and unacceptable for any American – let alone a supposed ‘leader’ serving in Congress – to claim Adolf Hitler was right about anything,” Duckworth said. “To say that the perpetrator of the worst genocide in world history should be a model for any type of behavior, much less the indoctrination of children with hatred, racism and fascist ideals, is disqualifying for an American elected official. I cannot condemn in harsher terms Mary Miller’s despicable comments in the run-up to yesterday’s coup attempt, and I call on her to resign immediately so that someone who better understands the sacrifices our brave service members made during World War II can more effectively represent our state.”
