July 19, 2018

Duckworth: Kavanaugh Unwilling to Protect Many of the Individual Rights and Legal Protections We Hold Dear


[WASHINGTON, DC] – U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) issued the following statement today:

“In order to earn the consent of the United States Senate, any President’s Supreme Court nominee should be able to demonstrate integrity, wisdom, independence and a commitment to interpreting the United States Constitution and applying the law in a fair and principled manner. After carefully reviewing Judge Kavanaugh's opinions, speeches, presentations and prior confirmation hearing testimony, it is clear that Donald Trump’s nominee is unable to do so.

“Judge Kavanaugh's rulings and dissents reveal a jurist willing to embrace radical constitutional interpretation, legislate from the bench when it favors powerful corporate interests and express a troubling deference to unchecked presidential power, but who is unwilling to protect many of the individual rights and legal protections we hold dear.

“Based on his own words and writing, I fear that Judge Kavanaugh would be the deciding vote in critical cases that restrict a woman's freedom to make health care decisions with her doctor, tear away protections that guarantee Americans with pre-existing conditions may obtain health insurance and empower a President of the United States to act as though he is above the law. Judge Kavanaugh should not be confirmed as the next Supreme Court Justice, and he will not have my vote.”
