May 23, 2024

Duckworth Condemns Senate Republicans for Blocking Bipartisan Border Security Legislation That They Negotiated, Again


[WASHGINTON, D.C.] – Today, U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) issued the following statement condemning Senate Republicans for blocking the Senate from even beginning debate on the bipartisan border security legislation that they helped negotiate yet again:

“After loudly complaining about the urgent need to ‘fix our border’ for years, it’s disappointing to see my Republican colleagues—at Donald Trump’s request—refuse to even allow a debate on a bipartisan border deal that Senate Republicans literally negotiated simply because they believe Donald Trump will have a better chance of winning in November if they block Congress from passing a border security bill that contains many policies they once demanded.

“This bipartisan legislation, while far from perfect, presented the Senate an opportunity to develop and pass comprehensive immigration reform that would strengthen our economy, enhance border security and create a process at our Southern border that is practical, humane and fair. Like any compromise, it included provisions that I strongly support, such as enacting the Afghan Adjustment Act and instituting protections for the children of H-1B visa holders when they reach the age of 21. It also included aspects I strongly oppose, like the proposal’s failure to expedite delivery of work permits for the migrants already in cities like Chicago as well as its exclusion of a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers and of any relief for Veterans who’ve been cruelly deported by the very country they sacrificed for in uniform.

“The fact that the current version of Border Act is not perfect right now is not an excuse to block the Senate from working to make it better, and I’m deeply frustrated that Republicans prove day in and day out that they are more focused on partisanship than making progress on solving the very problems they keep demanding we fix. If Republicans aren't willing to help us solve this problem, the very least they can do is get out of the way so that Democrats can finally pass the comprehensive border and immigration reform our nation desperately needs.”
