March 08, 2017

Duckworth Commemorates “Day Without A Woman,” Celebrates International Women’s Day


WASHINGTON, DC - On International Women's Day, U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) recognized "A Day Without A Woman" by wearing red and continuing her work to advance all women's rights, including the rights of those who do not have the ability to take even a single day off of work-women who are mothers, those who can't afford missing a paycheck and those whose employers do not offer paid leave. In solidarity with the women and men participating in the events surrounding the "Day Without A Woman," Duckworth ordered lunch for her Washington, DC, staff from Veloce, a female-owned restaurant that is offering all of its female employees paid time off today and that will donate some of its proceeds to two organizations working to support survivors of domestic abuse and protect the equal rights of women. A photo of Duckworth and her staff dressed in red to honor "A Day Without A Woman" is available here.

"Every single day, women around the globe contribute so much to the success of their families, their communities and their countries but, whether through the deprivation of rights in some nations or of equal pay for equal rights here in the United States, women face challenges their male counterparts simply do not face," said Senator Duckworth. "I support the women and men participating in 'A Day Without a Woman' today and am wearing red in solidarity with them as I continue fighting in the Senate to advance the rights of all women-including those who cannot afford to take even a single day off."

Duckworth also met today with Women's March on Washington Disability Caucus and Disability Action for America Chair, Mia Ives-Rublee to discuss their efforts to support women with disabilities in the movement for gender equality. A photo of the meeting is available here.
