March 02, 2017

Duckworth: Sessions Cannot Impartially Investigate Trump Ties to Russia


WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) issued the following statement today regarding reports that Attorney General Sessions may have misled Congress during his confirmation hearing regarding his contact with Russian government officials:

"After just 24 days on the job, the President's National Security Advisor was forced to resign over his reported collusion with the Russian government. Now, a mere 42 days into the Trump Presidency, his Attorney General faces serious questions about whether he misled or even lied to Congress when asked about his own connections with Russia.

"With each passing day the need for a public, transparent, impartial and independent investigation into this Administration's ties with foreign adversaries, as well as into who knew what and when they knew it, only grows. Our national security and the integrity of our democracy could very well depend on it.

"Today's reports also crystallize that Attorney General Sessions cannot impartially investigate this Administration's ties with Russia; he must recuse himself immediately to ensure a fair investigation. If he refuses to do so or if we learn he lied under oath, the American people deserve nothing less than his resignation."
