Durbin, Duckworth propose bill to make community colleges more affordable to trades
Source: WTVO
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (WTVO) — US Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) introduced legislation today aimed at making community colleges more affordable to students interested in pursuing a career in highly-skilled trades.
The Community College to Career Fund in Higher Education Act would highlight partnerships between technical schools, community colleges, and businesses that train students to fill empty, high-skill jobs in fields like manufacturing, healthcare, clean energy, and information technology.
Durbin said advanced training at a lower price tag will help Illinois workers grow in their careers.
“Senator Duckworth and I believe in community colleges. They are affordable, they don’t take advantage of you like the for-profit schools, and the education there is practical and can really result in a much better life,” said Durbin.
The bill would also create a competitive grant program to support more partnerships between two-year colleges and businesses.
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