Academy Nominations
I have the honor and privilege to recommend some of Illinois's most talented and skilled individuals to attend the United States Military Academies. These academies allow young people to serve our country while receiving a full four-year scholarship from some of our finest institutions of higher learning. Upon acceptance of an appointment into an Academy, a student commits to five years of active duty service after graduation.
Each applicant for a nomination from my office must meet the following eligibility requirements as of July 1 of the year of admission to an academy:
- Must be at least 17 years old, but have not passed their 23rd birthday (25 for the Merchant Marine Academy).
- Must be a U.S. Citizen and a permanent resident of Illinois.
- Must be unmarried, not pregnant and have no legal obligation to support children or other dependents.
Nomination Process
Acceptance of an appointment to a United States service academy commits an applicant to at least five years of active duty service after graduation. Prior to applying for a nomination from my office, please contact your academy or academies of choice to request a pre-candidate questionnaire. Once submitted to the academy, they will apprise you of any special physical, medical or academic requirements particular to their institution. The following academies utilize Congressional nominations:
- U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, Colorado (www.usafa.eduThis link opens in new window or tab.This link opens in new window or tab.This link opens in new window or tab.This link opens in new window or tab.This link opens in new window or tab.This link opens in new window or tab.This link opens in new window or tab.This link opens in new window or tab.This link opens in new window or tab. )
- U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, Kings Point, New York (www.usmma.eduThis link opens in new window or tab.This link opens in new window or tab.This link opens in new window or tab.This link opens in new window or tab.This link opens in new window or tab.This link opens in new window or tab.This link opens in new window or tab.This link opens in new window or tab.This link opens in new window or tab. )
- U.S. Military Academy, West Point, New York (www.usma.eduThis link opens in new window or tab.This link opens in new window or tab.This link opens in new window or tab.This link opens in new window or tab.This link opens in new window or tab.This link opens in new window or tab.This link opens in new window or tab.This link opens in new window or tab.This link opens in new window or tab. )
- U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, Maryland (www.usna.eduThis link opens in new window or tab.This link opens in new window or tab.This link opens in new window or tab.This link opens in new window or tab.This link opens in new window or tab.This link opens in new window or tab.This link opens in new window or tab.This link opens in new window or tab.This link opens in new window or tab. )
Each United States Senator and United States Representative may have no more than five people attending each service academy at any given time. Most members of Congress allocate at least one open vacancy each year. For each vacancy, fifteen nominations may be submitted to the respective service academy admissions office except for the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, which only accepts ten. Offers of appointment are made by the admissions office on a competitive basis measuring the overall qualifications and eligibility of all nominees.
Nominating Sources
Service academy applicants may be nominated by either United States Senators in the state of their legal residence, the United States Representative for the District in which they reside or the Vice President of the United States. Applicants should apply for nomination to all four nominating sources. To apply for a nomination from my office, please follow these instructions and complete the application here. Please make sure to read all the instructions and verify that you have completed and submitted the online form, as well as mailed all required additional materials.
Applying to Academies
You are encouraged to apply early to all service academies for which you have a sincere interest. You may apply online at the respective service academy web site. If you meet the minimum eligibility and entrance requirements, the academy will forward a formal application package. You should return all requested materials as directed by the academy as quickly as possible. If you are considered an "official" candidate by the academy, you will be scheduled for a medical examination by the Department of Defense Medical Review Board (DODMERB). You will also complete a Candidate Fitness Assessment (CFA).
Completed service academy nomination applications must be submitted by November 1st, 2025.
For academy classes beginning the summer of 2026 (class of 2030) the application is posted HERE.
Questions can be sent to:
NOMINATIONS@DUCKWORTH.SENATE.GOVThis link opens in new window or tab.This link opens in new window or tab.