PPE and Other Critical Medical Supplies

The CARES Act and other COVID-related legislation passed in the 116th Congress provided billions for states and the federal government to purchase personal protective equipment (PPE) and other critical medical supplies.

In accordance with Executive Orders issued by President Biden, FEMA is now covering 100 percent of the cost of COVID-19 related public assistance until September 30, 2021. This 100 percent cost-share also retroactively covers the cost of activities performed starting from January 20, 2020. Eligible activities may include purchasing PPE and disinfecting services for the safe opening and operation of eligible schools, child-care facilities, healthcare facilities, non-congregate shelters, domestic violence shelters, transit systems, and other eligible applicants.

Through the FY2021 COVID-19 relief package, eligible educators may be able to deduct personal protective equipment expenses paid or incurred after March 12, 2020. Under IRS guidance, COVID-19 protective items include (but are not limited to):

  • Face masks;
  • Disinfectant for use against COVID-19;
  • Hand soap;
  • Hand sanitizer;
  • Disposable gloves;
  • Tape, paint or chalk to guide social distancing;
  • Physical barriers; and
  • Air purifiers.

For more information on this deduction, please click here.

If you are interested in donating PPE and other supplies to our first responders, please click here.