
Sponsored Legislation :

Bill # Bill Description Updated
S.2200 Sponsored  — A bill to deposit civil penalties and assessments collected for false claims and statements made with respect to public housing to a Fraud Compensation Fund at the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
S.2086 Sponsored  — A bill to amend the Safe Drinking Water Act to improve transparency under the national primary drinking water regulations for lead and copper, and for other purposes.
S.2087 Sponsored  — A bill to improve the removal of lead from drinking water in public housing.
S.2027 Sponsored  — A bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to expand the scope of the Advisory Committee on Minority Veterans, and for other purposes.
S.1985 Sponsored  — No latest title...
S.1938 Sponsored  — A bill to provide for grants for States that require fair and impartial police training for law enforcement officers of that State and to incentivize States to enact laws requiring the independent investigation and prosecution of the use of deadly force by law enforcement officers, and for other purposes.
S.1816 Sponsored  — No latest title...
S.1761 Sponsored  — A bill to direct the Secretary of Defense to modernize certain forms and surveys of the Department of Defense, and for other purposes.
S.1764 Sponsored  — A bill to amend the Communications Act of 1934 to require the Federal Communications Commission to ensure just and reasonable charges for telephone and advanced communications services in the correctional and detention facilities.
S.1739 Sponsored  — A bill to enable projects that will aid in the development and delivery of related instruction associated with apprenticeship and preapprenticeship programs that are focused on serving the skilled technical workforce at the National Laboratories and certain facilities of the National Nuclear Security Administration, and for other purposes.
S.1612 Sponsored  — A bill to amend the Higher Education Act of 1965 to support community college and industry partnerships, and for other purposes.
S.1573 Sponsored  — A bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to eliminate copayments by the Department of Veterans Affairs for medicines relating to preventive health services, and for other purposes.
S.1404 Sponsored  — A bill to amend the Public Health Service Act to address the increased burden that maintaining the health and hygiene of infants and toddlers places on families in need, the resultant adverse health effects on children and families, and the limited child care options available for infants and toddlers who lack sufficient diapers, and for other purposes.
S.1401 Sponsored  — A bill to establish eligibility requirements for education support professionals under the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, and for other purposes.
S.1402 Sponsored  — A bill to direct the Secretary of Labor to recognize employers with a commitment to helping employees balance workplace responsibilities and family obligations.
S.1403 Sponsored  — A bill to amend the Child Care Access Means Parents in School Program under the Higher Education Act of 1965.
S.1330 Sponsored  — A bill to amend the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 to clarify whistleblower rights and protections, and for other purposes.
S.1244 Sponsored  — A bill to promote the provision of exercise or fitness equipment, and exercise or fitness classes and instruction, that are accessible to individuals with disabilities.
S.1143 Sponsored  — A bill to amend title 10, United States Code, to improve testing and inspections for lead on military installations, in Department of Defense housing and schools, and in military dependent children, and for other purposes.
S.1040 Sponsored  — A bill to require the Secretary of Homeland Security to identify each alien who is serving, or has served, in the Armed Forces of the United States on the application of any such alien for an immigration benefit or the placement of any such alien in an immigration enforcement proceeding, and for other purposes.
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