Committees and Caucuses

Senator Tammy Duckworth is a member of the following Committees and Caucuses:

Senate Democrats’ Special Committee on the Climate Crisis
Environmental Justice Caucus, Founding Co-Chair
U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee
Senator Duckworth is assigned to the following Armed Services Subcommittees:
Readiness and Management Support
U.S. Committee on Commerce, Science & Transportation
Senator Duckworth is assigned to the following Commerce, Science & Transportation Subcommittees:
Aviation Safety, Operations and Innovation - Chair
Communications, Media and Broadband
Consumer Protection, Product Safety and Data Security
Surface Transportation, Maritime, Freight and Ports
Tourism, Trade and Export Promotion
U.S. Committee on Small Business & Entrepreneurship
Senator Duckworth is assigned to the following Foreign Relations Subcommittees:
Multilateral International Development, Multilateral Institutions and International Economic, Energy and Environmental Policy - Chair
Europe and Regional Security Cooperation
East Asia, The Pacific and International Cybersecurity Policy